Sunday, February 17, 2008

What?!?! A waterballoon???

Ok, this morning Chris and I taught at church; I have a Kindergarten group and Chris has a 1st grade group. We were all gathered together and one of his girls came up and was wet on her tights and had tears in her eyes. Chris bent over to talk to her and my first thought was "Oh, bless her heart; I'll take her to the restroom to change or find parents because I am a girl, too." Then I see a surprised look on Chris's face and he says "a waterballoon? You brought one to church? Oh, it broke and you got wet." The girl went and sat down and Chris and I started laughing ... can you just imagine how that morning went at their house ... really, mom, they won't care if I bring a waterballoon ... really! We have laughed all afternoon wondering how a child gets out of the house and has convinced a parent that it is perfectly fine to bring a waterballoon to church and then that same parent fails to tell the teacher she has one ... funny!! Only in Chris's class ...


Kalen said...

You changed your format! Good thing. I started one and used your previous format. : ) We can't replace the blog catchup with real conversation-promise?!! Kalen

Joeloise Ghrist said...

I agree...a waterballoon in sunday school?!? So ridiculous!! :) But it definitely made for a great story!!

Shannon, I really love this blog you've created!! You've got wonderful pictures along with extremely humorous & touching stories to share with all of us in cyber world. You are an inspiration, for sure!! :)