I am on Day 4 of the exercise challenge ... completed 8.1 miles so far! I posted tonight just so I could share "my song" with you. When running gets tough or I have to choose to not go to Andy's Frozen Custard or even better I take the kids to Andy's and do not order anything but a Diet Coke ... these things may seem insignificant to some, but for me they take enough faith to step before a giant! Enjoy this song, add it to your Ipod running list if you have one ... seems slow to run to but it works!!! My family is going back to Mexico this summer and I have already started praying for this kind of faith as I picture having my one year old in a backpack while I am teaching VBS in a language I do not know ... the odds seem against me but if God is on my side then whom shall I fear?
Know what I love? taking a step of faith and experiencing the joy God promises!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Are you ready?!?!
Finished up day #2 by adding .1 to my 2 miles -- I know Rocky has nothing on me! I am excited about you gals joining me ... I want to see my parents do this, too. I know my Dad reads sometimes but doesn't comment (hi Dad) ... no pressure but only 30 days ... come on!!! Also, I heard that the Navy Seals say that doing something for 21 days makes it habit ... just think exercising can be a habit by Easter. To running, sit-ups, walking or whatever you choose ...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Exercise, anyone???
I am challenging myself and anyone else who wants to join me to exercise daily for an entire month ... starting today for me but March 1 is very close for you type A personalities out there who must start with a clearly defined month ahead of them. You can post an update on your exercise on Mondays ... anyway, I'm going for 14 miles per week and weights 3 days a week.
I have tried and tried to exercise daily and can't seem to stick to it ... now, I am doing it with purpose. 1 Corinthians 31" ... whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I can't do it on my own ... but 14 miles per week is nothing for Him. Join me ... I need the accountability!
I have tried and tried to exercise daily and can't seem to stick to it ... now, I am doing it with purpose. 1 Corinthians 31" ... whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I can't do it on my own ... but 14 miles per week is nothing for Him. Join me ... I need the accountability!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
3 Blessings

Just wanted to post this old pic of my cuties. We played on this "Fort Glenney" today, enjoyed the beautiful weather, ate dinner outside, and I got sad thinking that two of them would be at school tomorrow! For all of you moms with kiddos still at home I am understanding more everyday that "the days are long but the years are short"! Hug those little ones and tell them how much you love them ... to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond, forever and ever!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
"Pity Toes"
I will add a picture for this entry as soon as I have access again to my main computer and camera-downloading-stuff ... all located in my bedroom which has been taken over by my hubby with fever and well, I don't even want to be close to the idea of being sick ... so text only on the laptop but still read on ...
Last night Kate wanted her "Daaaaaaddy" and was committed to standing outside of our bedroom door calling for him for as long as we could take it. He was in bed very sick!! I needed more than a little distraction so the boys and I gave Kate her first pedicure ... well, we painted her toenails a beautiful pink! The boys wouldn't admit it, but they had a great time oohing and ahhing over her pretty toes and each held a foot while we painted. I have never seen her so proud ... she walked around looking down at her toes, smiling, mumbling, smiling some more ... I mean she thought this was the greatest.
This morning I woke Kate up to take the boys to school and I promise the very first thing she said was "pity toes" and pointed to her precious pink toenails. They were pretty and it was not a pity at all!!
I love you, Kate, that you can play soccer, scream, run, throw balls, etc. like your brothers but that you love to have pretty toenails like your mom!!! Here's to one day having a girls day and getting a real pedicure together.
Last night Kate wanted her "Daaaaaaddy" and was committed to standing outside of our bedroom door calling for him for as long as we could take it. He was in bed very sick!! I needed more than a little distraction so the boys and I gave Kate her first pedicure ... well, we painted her toenails a beautiful pink! The boys wouldn't admit it, but they had a great time oohing and ahhing over her pretty toes and each held a foot while we painted. I have never seen her so proud ... she walked around looking down at her toes, smiling, mumbling, smiling some more ... I mean she thought this was the greatest.
This morning I woke Kate up to take the boys to school and I promise the very first thing she said was "pity toes" and pointed to her precious pink toenails. They were pretty and it was not a pity at all!!
I love you, Kate, that you can play soccer, scream, run, throw balls, etc. like your brothers but that you love to have pretty toenails like your mom!!! Here's to one day having a girls day and getting a real pedicure together.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What?!?! A waterballoon???
Ok, this morning Chris and I taught at church; I have a Kindergarten group and Chris has a 1st grade group. We were all gathered together and one of his girls came up and was wet on her tights and had tears in her eyes. Chris bent over to talk to her and my first thought was "Oh, bless her heart; I'll take her to the restroom to change or find parents because I am a girl, too." Then I see a surprised look on Chris's face and he says "a waterballoon? You brought one to church? Oh, it broke and you got wet." The girl went and sat down and Chris and I started laughing ... can you just imagine how that morning went at their house ... really, mom, they won't care if I bring a waterballoon ... really! We have laughed all afternoon wondering how a child gets out of the house and has convinced a parent that it is perfectly fine to bring a waterballoon to church and then that same parent fails to tell the teacher she has one ... funny!! Only in Chris's class ...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Just a quick entry today ... a thank you, a shout out, a blown kiss in the air to my Superman. Love that guy for making me laugh and laughing out loud with me for this many years! Last night we were watching a comedian on Tv and truly both laughing out loud so hard it made tears come out ... and the night before that we were watching Extreme Home Makeover and I was crying so hard the tears were flowing ... through the tears and laughs he knows me like no other ... have a super day, Superman!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Fun Happenings
Talent Show

Josh led the way and was the first to go at the Kindergarten talent show. He sang a song based on John 3:16. His face was bright red but he didn't miss a beat ... it was precious and made me tear up (of course!!). How thankful we are for him (Josh) and even more thankful that God so loved the world He sent his only Son to die on the cross for our sins ... humbling to say the least.
Way to go, Josh!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Little Mozarts
The boys had their first piano lessons yesterday and loved it!! They have a daily assignment book and wanted to do the entire weeks homework in one night. I know that the excitement will wear off but I am so glad they are pumped up about it now. We all danced to "Mary had a Little Lamb" over and over last night ... yes, that and the C scale would be all we know so I am hoping for something new next week :-). Kate is quite pleased to join in on the "playing", too. Josh stretched his short fingers apart and said "Look I have nice long fingers for piano playing; I'll probably be like playing all the songs really fast!!" Caleb is progressing a little faster because of his age and his incredible music teacher at school who, according to the piano teacher, had taught him already what most kids took at least 4 lessons to learn ... way to go to our teacher, Mrs. Provines!! What do I love about this? I love seeing my children successfully grabbing a new challenge and committing themselves to accomplish it. Now, I will be sure to post the news when the excitement wears off and they haaaave to do piano homework!!
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