Monday, March 31, 2008
Parenting 101
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters? "Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shalt not kill."
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter ... what a wonderful time to praise God for the gift He gave us in Jesus. The gift of salvation that I cannot earn and do not deserve but so humbly and gratefully accept. This Easter was full of family, egg hunting, gift-exchanging, good food on china and crystal, white smocked dress with a patent leather purse ... but most of all full of love. Whether doing an egg hunt, cooking lots of food or going to a Good Friday service during nap time, I was so aware this past weekend that loving/serving others is such a pure, honest way to glorify and honor God. I am so thankful for my family and blessings ... I love them dearly! But, most of all, thank you, God for your sacrifice, forgiveness, and love so freely given to us.
Grandparents Day

Last Thursday my parents, Chris's parents and our sweet family friends all came in town for the boys' Grandparents' Day at their school. The boys took them for special programs in their classrooms, chapel, a school tour and of course refreshments.

That night we had Italian on the back patio ... lasagna, wine, flowers and gifts. It was so much fun to celebrate the precious family that we have been blessed with and to let them know how thankful we are for them. Here's to grandparents ...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Gus Glenney

Monday, March 10, 2008
Baseball season is here!!
It's here ... time for lots of practices, later bedtimes, snowcones for Kate, and more! Our family has a love/hate relationship with baseball season. All of the practices (at least 2 per week per boy = minimum of 4 practices per week) send our night schedule into chaos. Our family meals turn into tacos or sandwiches eaten around 4:30 in the afternoon ... and we call it dinner. I love, though, watching our boys play, sitting with my Superman and Kate for over an hour just being together, and seeing my boys looking all cute in their "gear"!! Caleb plays 5 Pitch and Josh plays tball. I discovered years ago when the boys started sports that I am a yeller ... now, nothing negative ... but the cheerleader in me cannot keep quiet and I love cheering for the boys. I have even been known to come out of my seat with excitement and then I quickly look around and sit down as the other parents are calmly clapping. There is also a parent type out there that is tough ... I mean they yell and it would not be considered cheering! Sometimes I am overwhelmed with the desire to yell back "They are only 6 years old!!!!!" But I refrain and keep cheering. Enjoy our family theme song for the months of March, April, and May. We play this on the way to all of the games and practices to get psyched up!!!! Go Rangers (Josh) and Go Orioles (Caleb) and Go Kate (who spends a huge portion of her life at some kind of sporting field).
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Exercise Update
Ok gals ... it's time! How are you doing???? I am on Day 10 and have run 2 miles every day so far. Running has been a time to ... think things out, pray, not chase any young-uns, turn my music up so loud that I can't hear anyone saying 'Mommy', sweat, push myself at times, memorize Scripture, not hear the phone ring, pretend I didn't see one boy push another boy into the basketball goal and claim it was not a foul, and most of all do something that I know honors God. I did try to start learning more Spanish with these DVDs I bought and I think I could get a taxi and a room at a hotel now ... I know, that is going to be so, so much help while we are teaching VBS in Spanish this summer- whew! If you haven't started exercising daily yet, I encourage you to carve out 30 minutes for your health. Post any words of wisdom you might have that we can use to keep each other going. What do I love about exercising? the feeling when I am done :)!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
First Communion

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