Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"The Homesick" virus

After the second day of school last week, Josh told me he was afraid he might be getting sick.
ME : "What hurts? Why do you think you are getting sick?"
JOSH: "Well, my stomach felt funny and kind of hurt. It may be that virus."
ME: "What virus???"
JOSH: "You know, the homesick!"
At that very moment I felt my heart break yet I had to stifle laughter ... THE homesick!
ME: "Well, I think that will go away without medicine."
JOSH: "It went away during recess some!"
Of course!

Day 3 at pick up
ME: "How is your virus, the homesick? Do you still have it?"
JOSH: "Oh no, Mom, it went away fast!!! And I did not take any medicine for it!!"
ME: " I love you, sweet boy!!"


Kalen said...

Oh my goodness. I love that. You give that boy a hug!!!


terri said...

That is too cute. Sometimes I have The Homesick. :)

pmartin said...

That is the cutest story..oh, how I love the things kiddos say...they are so funny! Hope to see you soon! Paige