It poured for 15 minutes and not just a little but POURED! I feared we had a ruined party on our hands because the forts no longer existed. Instead, we had the party that will always be remembered ... wet, muddy, grassy, wet, humid, wet ... did I mention that it poured on those kids?!? They ran, played, threw water balloons, squirted every ounce of water possible on each other with water guns and well, had a blast!! Then, the sun came back out!! It was surpisingly a lot of fun with the added rain.
The little cadets...
and of course, the cake ...
Happy Birthday, Caleb!
I loved taking a break with my man and love the sweet grandparents who helped to make it possible by taking on 3 wild kiddos for 5 days!!! I think at last, though, we are home for August. No more traveling for a while :)!!