Precious Katiebug,
We love you so very, very much! Two years have gone by in a blink, yet I cannot remember what it was like without you. Your laugh, your craziness, your love for bows and flip-flops, your adoration of your brothers, and your attachment to your "ba" and thumb at night all make you so special. You are the icing on our family cake ... which is a good enough reason for me to make you 3, yes 3, cakes this year!!
One for our family reunion on your big day

One for our Mexico trip reunion the night of your big day

One for your splash party with friends

We had so much fun celebrating with you. Whenever someone asks you how old you are, you say "please" instead of 2 ... we think you are just hoping that question goes along with more cake!! Well, sweetie, this week you had your cake(s) and ate it, too!!!
Sweet Friends!!
Happy Birthday sweet Kate! We love you so very much! We had a great time at your party! We look forward to celebrating many more with you!
Happy Birthday Kate! I love the Mexican Dress cake. So sweet.
Happy Bday Kate!! Can't believe you are already two. Very impressive cakes you got there. Love to see those Bryans' boys as part of the picture too. :)
Happy Birthday Kate! I hope your mommy got you some high heels and a tutu like Ellie!! :) Very Very impressive cakes with that cheerleader handwriting!!!
Kate, you are 2 and we love you! Happy Birthday to a very special girl. We had lots of fun splashing at your flip-flop party.
Guess what? I found out we have yet another 'connection' tonight. I was at a party with Julie Ross, who started talking about the mission trip & how someone named Shannon on that trip. My ears perked up & I said "wait...Shannon Glenney?". I also met another friend of yours--Rachel Anderson. LOL! Small world, huh?
Birthday blessings to Kate! This song makes me teary every time, Shannon. Aaaah, the sweetness and joy of having a daughter! love you all, stacey
(ps- little something coming your way soon:-)
I can't believe Kate is already 2! It looks like you guys are having an awesome and totally amazing summer!!I'd love to plan a time for us all to get together:) Miss you!
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