We had our first meeting tonight about going back to Matamoras, Mexico in June. We will go with about 20 families this year (doubled from last year) and stay at a Children's Orphanage for a week. There are 3 parts to the trip: medical missions set up in areas of extreme poverty, Vacation Bible School for the children at the orphanage, and a construction project at the orphanage (putting on a new roof this year). The boys began talking about the fun times we had last year and we all got excited! It is a trip built to provide families with firsthand mission exposure and a time to serve God together. I would be fibbing to pretend it was not a challenging week (last year Kate turned 1 on the trip) but it was wonderful and exactly where God wanted us. This upcoming year will not be the same without our precious friends, whom we consider family, the Bryans (link over to their blog and find out where they will be). They got us in on the trip and now we are hooked. We will miss them tremendously and know that the kids will miss having their buddies with them. Ok, I always end a blog with what I love ... I love the smiles on the faces of my kids and the children at the orphanage as they play together; I love that kids don't have language barriors; I love that my family will create memories working together helping others and sharing God's good news. To Mexico ... yippee!
Wow! I had some reading to do on your blog. I have been tagged and didn't know it. (Thanks for explaining it!)I so need to do this. I would totally get addicted, but I love the info. Thrilled for Kate's reports. Praise God for the work, absolutely. Thanks for emailing the link again. :)
Ok, I am so frustrated. Kalen is Mrs. anonymous!! I can't even log in. EVERY time I have tried to leave comments on all these blogs. It says I have the wrong password. EGADS!! Sorry about that. I will figure this out so that I can leave a COMMENT!
We are so excited for y'all and can't wait to hear what God does through y'all this year! Wish we were going with...there is always next year! :)
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