Caleb turned 11!! Crazy ... eleven years old ... so stinkin' proud of him! He hasn't hit the pre-adolescent-talking-back-phase yet and we are enjoying him so much. He is funny, smart and most of all strong enough to stand by his convictions. Caleb was faithful, loyal and not scared to stand up for God in the Bible ... we continue to see these very traits in our own Caleb.

The kids (and adults) had so much fun this summer with the Bryans family home. The boys are sporting their new Ecuador World Cup soccer shirts.

Kate's first day of Pre-K ... she is upstairs with all of the big kids. Every week she goes on and on about school ... the letters, the songs, learning to write, her beloved teacher who is an Aggie ... she absolutely loves school!!

The boys had their first day of school. Josh is a third grader and Caleb is in the fifth grade. We love their teachers and their school so so much!!

A little dancing because sometimes you just need to find an 80s song on your iPod and dance. Notice the flower over my ear from Kate!!
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