Yes, I try to teach my kids humility and truly believe it is the backbone of much success BUT ... I am going to brag, boast, jump up and down and even put a bragging song on my blog. So here goes ...

Oh, it was fun. Oh, it was stressful. Oh, the playoff games were hot. I jumped and yelled and looked crazy but I actually loved it. We have been on many teams before and never even gotten close to something like this ... in many sports ... this was a good feeling! Caleb played great defense and even made a double play in the final game ... whew - ok, I am through bragging for a while and I am smiling so big just thinking of the excitement. Thanks for letting me share. What do I love, though? It's over; the season is finally over!

Caleb's team WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!
Oh, it was fun. Oh, it was stressful. Oh, the playoff games were hot. I jumped and yelled and looked crazy but I actually loved it. We have been on many teams before and never even gotten close to something like this ... in many sports ... this was a good feeling! Caleb played great defense and even made a double play in the final game ... whew - ok, I am through bragging for a while and I am smiling so big just thinking of the excitement. Thanks for letting me share. What do I love, though? It's over; the season is finally over!

Thanks to our sweet friends , the Schapanskys, Fosters, Adams (at 2 playoff games -whew), Boergers and my parents for coming to watch and cheer him on ...we love you all!!
I think that is fabulous! Well earned bragging rights, indeed. Congratulations Caleb!! Way to go!!
Congratulations Caleb! We had so much fun watching you play! Win OR Lose-we love you and are so very proud of you! :)
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