I took over 500 pictures ... really! I had to randomly choose a few ...
in Seaside after dinner


me and the kiddos


crab hunting at night

loaded down at 4 a.m. ready to go

ice cream before watching the play "The Stone that Sings" in the Seaside amphitheater

our little slice of beach heaven

always gotta have a muscle pic

the most beautiful water with fish nipping at your toes

our "Home Away from Home"

our favorite treat in Seaside ... mmm, wish I had a Frostbite right now

the Taco Bar in Seaside - food was so-so but atmosphere and drinks were a perfect 10

the mamas about to show their boys how to ride a wave

my fam

on our morning bike ride

at the amphitheater in Watercolor watching "Go Dog Go" by Dr. Suess

at the Back Porch in Destin ... the view overlooked the ocean and the food was YUMMY

our bike ride for breakfast at FlipFlops -beignets that make my mouth water just thinking of them (think funnel cakes for breakfast)

a gorgeous sunset on the beach

the Adams - great travel buddies (lots of laughing, staying up late, kids playing, and more)
could not have dreamed of all of these kids getting along so perfectly for a week

Trent and Josh on the last day -worn out

Beach Buddies

more Beach Buddies

and more Beach Buddies

We had the best family vacation ever in Seagrove, Florida with the Adams family. We went to the beach, to plays in the amphitheater at night, to the wooden go-carts in Destin, to some fantastic restaurants, did some shopping, enjoyed some cooking in our place, swimming, played tennis, relaxed on the front porch swing, ate homemade (thanks Chris) ice cream, went crab hunting, went bike riding, did a little jogging (not enough to equalize the food intake), stayed up late talking and laughing, built sand castles (and oohed and awed over the really good ones down the beach), caught many waves on the boogie boards, snorkled and saw fish (very happy that was all we saw), watched firworks, kept our kids up until midnight at an amusement park, woke up with the bright beach sun every morning (yup, 6 a.m.) .... I feel like it cannot be put into words. It was beautiful. It was relaxing. It was fun. I am very thankful and very blessed.
to the beach...