Yesterday, we evened the teams in the Glenney home ... 3 boys and 3 girls! We added a 4 month old Yorkshire Terrier. Yes, my team may be a little weak - a dog and a 2 year old - but it is the first time in our marriage that the numbers are even! As we thought of names we started listing cities we loved and the kids said "Matamoras" because that is where we go in Mexico and stay at a Children's Home every summer for a week. We laughed at the thought of naming her "Matamoras" until someone shortened it and said "Mattie". Then, everyone agreed immediately and she was named! Yes, we are now potty-training a dog and a human. Yes, we have plenty of kids to take care of already. BUT ... she is already
teaching our children about responsibility, love, and care of another. And it has only been a day! A puppy is like bringing a newborn home ... lots of work, potty schedules and potty accidents, feeding, etc. but I watched the kids giggling with her in the backyard and knew it was all worth it!

moments after arriving

"Really??? She's ours? To keep??"

Caleb taught her to sit using treats the first day - seriously.

Josh teared up and said "thank you so much" the first night.
Kate adores Mattie and likes to "boss" her around. I think she has found someone with less authority than her for once. She tells her to "come" and "to eat her dinner" with her hands on her hips... I seriously don't know where she gets that from ...